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Teorías científicas

3 bytes añadidos, 15:48 3 ago 2016
sin resumen de edición
Brown, Harold. 1983. ''La Nueva Filosofía de la Ciencia''. Madrid:Tecnos.
CanapCarnap, Rudolf. 1937. ''The Logical Syntax of Language''. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Trübner.
Carnap, Rudolf. 1956. “The Methodological Character of Theoretical Concepts.” En ''Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science''. Vol. 1, editado por Herbert Feigl y Michael Scriven, 38-76. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Winther, Rasmus Grønfeldt. 2016. "The Structure of Scientific Theories". En ''The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy'' (Spring 2016 Edition), editado por E. N. Zalta. URL = [http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2016/entries/structure-scientific-theories/ http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2016/entries/structure-scientific-theories/]
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