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Lógica matemática

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sin resumen de edición
Cobreros, P. 2013. ''Logic and Paradoxes. Lesson 2: Vagueness''. Universidad de Navarra.
Cobreros, P. 2016. “Supervaluationism and the timeless solution to the foreknowledge problem”. ''Scientia en Fides'' 4: 61–75.
Frege, G. 1879. ''Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens''. Halle: Verlag von Louis Nebert.
Hedman, S. 2006. ''A First Course in Logic''. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hughes, G. y Cresswell, M. 1996. ''A New Introduction to Modal Logic''. London: Routledge.
Kleene, S. 1952. ''Introduction to Metamathematics''. El Cerrito, CA: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc.
Kraal, A. 2011. “Logic and divine simplicity”. ''Philosophy Compass'' 6: 282–294.
Lewis, C. I. 1912. “Implication and the algebra of logic”. ''Mind'' 21: 522–531.
Lewis, C. I. 1918. ''A survey of symbolic logic''. Vancouver: University of California Press.
Plantinga, A. 1974. ''The Nature of Necessity''. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Priest, G. 1979. “Logic of paradox”. ''Journal of Philosophical Logic'' 8: 219–241.
Priest, G. 2008. ''An introduction to non-classical logic (2nd ed)''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Prior, A. N. 1957. ''Time and Modality''. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Prior, A. N. 1967. ''Past, present and future''. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Putnam, H. 1983. “Models and reality”. En ''Realism and Reason'', 1-25. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Russell, B. 1923. “Vagueness”. ''Australasian Journal of Philosophy and Psychology'' 1(2): 84-92.
Smith, P. 2007. ''An introduction to Gödel’s Theorems''. Cambridge University Press.
Srivastava, S. 2008. ''A Course in Mathematical Logic''. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Tarski, A. 1936. “Der wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten sprachen”. ''Studia Philosophica'' 1: 261–405.
Zalabardo, J. L. 2002. ''Introducción a la teoría de la lógica''. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
{{Citar|url = http://dia.austral.edu.ar/Lógica_matemática|cabecera = Cobreros, Pablo. 2017. "Lógica matemática"}}
==Derechos de autor==
DERECHOS RESERVADOS Diccionario Interdisciplinar Austral © Instituto de Filosofía - Universidad Austral - Claudia E. Vanney - 2017.
ISSN: 2524-941X
Autores, Editores, Burócratas, Administradores